Hi, I'm Courtney Poon. I'm from Hong Kong and currently studying in HKUST (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology).

Lucky enough to enroll in one of the best program in HKUST, the dual degree program, I study Computer Science and General Business Management at the same time.

From a young age, I have been intrigued by all the changes and loved finding explainations and theories behind everything. Grew up in the early 2000s, the booming of the Internet and personal desktop computers shaped my childhood and encouraged my development towards studying Computer Science.

Having witnessed the power of internet development, I was upset by HK's over-emphsize on the financial industry. Even though it brought prosperity to HK, we neglect other aspects such as social and technological development as the city develops. Later, I realise my resistance towards finance created blind spot in my thinking and it is wrong for me to judge capitalism or economy without a full understanding. Therefore, I decided to touch the business field when I entered the university.

Studying Computer Science and General Business Management has offered such a special skill set such that I am equipped with technical skills as well as a wide scope of knowledge to aid all-rounded thinking.